My name is Jim Congable and I grew up in foster care after my mom left me with the baby sitter and never came back. I came to terms with my life and always pictured myself as the trunk of a new tree and my children and grand children would be part of this new tree.


I was introduced to in November 2010 by my oldest son John when he called me all excited that he put my father's name, Verle LeRoy Congable in Ancestry's free trial and a whole bunch of information came up. He encouraged me to try it and I have been hooked on geneaology ever since.


I am now planning to get certified as a genealogist and have started  Family Tree-Ology  as a way to help people, especially seniors, who want to leave their children and grandchildren a gift of their family heritage. Most people do not want to hire or can't afford to hire a geneaologist. Many seniors do not have computers or do not have computer skills to do the necessary research it takes to find the information about their ancestors needed to build a family tree. is a wonderful site and anyone who has some patience and computer skills can find most of the information you need to see who your ancestors were and where they came from. Family Tree-Ology is here to help those who are having trouble or don't understand how to get around and search in the Ancestry inviornment.


Family Treee-Ology can build a tree starting at $50.00. Pictures and stories are extra. Additional copies for children and grandchildren can be purchased for $5 to $10 extra depending on the original tree and its complexity. The object is to keep the cost of building your family tree as low as we can so you have a wonderful gift to leave your family.


Please contact me if you have any questions about your search for your family. Family TreeOlogy is here to help.